Protein pancakes with oat flour and Don Tanu D.o.p pistachio cream

Ingredients (x2):

  • 160 gr egg white
  • 80 gr oat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
  • A pinch of baking soda
  • Don Tanu Dop Pistachio Cream
  • fresh Fruit


Whip the egg white for 1 minute, add the yogurt, oatmeal, baking soda, cook in a non-stick pan and add the Don Tanu D.o.p pistachio cream and fresh fruit.

Whip the egg white for 1 minute, add the yogurt, oatmeal, baking soda, cook in a non-stick pan and add the Don Tanu D.o.p pistachio cream and fresh fruit.