Sicilian cannoli of ricotta with pure pasta and Bronte DOP pistachio grains

For the dough:

250 grams of flour 00
30 grams of powdered sugar
50 gr of Lard or seed oil
5 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of instant coffee
1 medium-sized egg
30 ml of white wine vinegar
30 ml of marsala

For the stuffing:

750 gr of sheep’s milk ricotta
100 gr of pure pistachio paste
80 gr of dark chocolate drops
350 grams of powdered sugar
q.s. of chopped pistachios


Start with the filling. First of all, make the ricotta as dry as possible, letting the ricotta drain in the refrigerator for a whole night, placing it on a narrow mesh strainer.
With the same strainer, sift by crushing the ricotta in a bowl, repeat this operation one more time to make the ricotta even more creamy. If it is particularly hard, you can soften it with a drop of milk or cream.
Add the icing sugar and mix well.
Now add the pure pistachio paste and mix to mix all the ingredients well. Cover the bowl with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

In the meantime, in a small bowl, mix the vinegar with the Marsala wine. Then in a large bowl mix the flour, icing sugar, cocoa all previously sifted, then the instant coffee, salt, lard, and egg. At this point, add the vinegar and marsala mixture. It may not be necessary to use it all, the amount varies according to the absorption of the flour you are using. Knead well on a work surface for about 5 minutes, until you get a compact and soft dough, with a fairly full-bodied consistency. Wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

When the dough is ready, roll it out until you get a sheet of a couple of millimeters. With a round pastry cutter, make some discs of dough and pull them slightly until you get an oval shape. Roll the discs of dough into the steel cannoli molds by pressing to close the dough well.

In a saucepan, heat the lard until it reaches 180 ° C, and cook the cannoli. When they have reached a golden color, remove them from the pot with the help of a slotted spoon, then place them on a plate lined with absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Let the Sicilian cannoli cool and then remove the cannoli shapes.

Take the filling from the refrigerator and sift it a few more times to make it creamier. Add the chocolate chips and mix well with the help of a spatula. Put the cream in a pastry bag with the large nozzle and stuff the cannoli. Cover the cream at the ends of the cannoli with chopped pistachios, sprinkle with icing sugar, and serve the Pistachio Cannoli immediately.